Ulla F. Muller Elementary Announces Orientation Schedule for SY 2018-19
ST. THOMAS, USVI –The Ulla F. Muller Elementary School has announced its mandatory orientation schedule for all students in grades K – 6 to be held at the school.
During the designated orientation times parents/guardians are asked to present immunization records for students and pay required school fees, including $18 for school insurance and $22-$25 for Physical Education (PE) uniform set ($10-$12 for PE shirts and $12-$13 for PE shorts). Families who do not wish to purchase school insurance must present a photocopy of an insurance card (front and back) on which the student is covered. If more than one student is covered under the same insurance policy, a separate copy is required for each child. Families of new students are asked to bring registration documentation if applicable.
The orientation schedules is as follows:
Tuesday, September 4 – First Day of School
8:00 a.m. – New Student Registration – Cafeteria
8:15 a.m. – Kindergarten
Wednesday, September 5
8:15 a.m. – Grades 1, 2 and 3
Thursday, September 6
8:15 a.m. – Grades 4 and 5
Friday, September 7
8:15 a.m. – Grade 6
The orientation will address all school rules and policies for a successful school year.
Please note that all students should report to school fully dressed in their school uniform on Tuesday, September 4 regardless of their scheduled orientation date.