St. Croix School District Announces Important End of Semester Dates

The St. Croix Public School District announces the end of the semester dates for all public schools in the district. Insular Superintendent of the St. Croix District, Ericilda Ottley-Herman, Ed. D, shares the following important updates and reminders to all students, parents, faculty, and staff:


Instructional Day on December 20, 2023:


Final Exams Schedule:


Report Card Distribution:


“To our incredible students, your hard work and dedication throughout the semester have not gone unnoticed. Your enthusiasm for learning and commitment to excellence continue to inspire us all. To our esteemed faculty, thank you for your tireless efforts in shaping the minds and futures of our students. Your passion for education and unwavering commitment to our school community make a significant impact on the lives of those you teach,” said Ericilda Ottley-Herman, Ed. D.


“I appreciate the dedication and hard work of each member of the St. Croix District family in contributing to the success of our educational community. As we reflect on the achievements of the semester, let us also look forward to the opportunities and growth that the coming year will bring. May this holiday season be filled with joy, laughter, and moments of rest and rejuvenation. Thank you for your commitment to our students and the pursuit of excellence in education. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season,” further stated Ericilda Ottley-Herman, Ed. D.




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